Our guys on the dusty road to Sanniquellie. Pastor Richards is in the middle demonstrating the large trench in the road. He has one foot on each side, and the car has two tires on each side! Interesting!
This last weekend our staff went to the bush to work in a few different areas. They went to Lofa County to begin the process of hiring laborers for the larger parcel (35 acres) we will be farming there. The purpose of this project will be to aid in providing funding for other Spirit Liberia projects as well as evangelism. We will be providing evangelistic ministry to the laborers and in the community where the farm is located. Please pray for a successful crop! We are very excited about this project. Our goal with Spirit Liberia is to eventually be self-sustained. We hope to purchase a larger parcel that will become a great resource towards reaching this goal. We believe if we are trying to teach self-sustainability to the local people, we should also be able to be self-sustainable as an organization. We are praying and working toward the purchase of a 200 acre parcel in Bong county which will be the first major step toward this goal.
We have applied to and been approved by the government in Liberia (Prison Fellowship Ministry) to visit all of the prisons in the country. Our plan is to visit one of the prisons in Monrovia on a weekly basis and one of the prisons in the bush on a monthly basis. The guys were able to visit a prison in Sanniquelli this weekend during their trip. This time of ministry was a huge blessing and encouragement not only to the prisoners, but also to our staff. They were able to preach in the prison yard and also access individual cells for individualized ministry. During this time of individual ministry, there were 3 men in one cell who all were convicted to repent and accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. These men also claim to have come from a Muslim background. Regardless of where they have come from, we are so blessed and honored to be able to be a part of God changing their lives. Their names we will keep private, but please keep these men in your prayers. Pray that God would grow their understanding and faith and that He would make Himself known to them in a very personal way. All of the prisoners were very surprised by the fact that anyone, particularly an organization, would care enough to come out to spend time with them. We were able to bless each prisoner with a bar of soap which was greatly appreciated. Our guys were so blessed by the move of God in the prison that they went from there to the market in Sanniquelli to do some street preaching. This was not even on their agenda for the trip, and we are so happy to see their motivation to follow God’s leading in all areas of ministry. They were able to preach and give tracts out to approximately 150 people and are anxious to go back and do a 3 day evangelistic crusade. They saw a great spiritual need there and are compelled to go back to minster with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
On a another note, do you remember the WORMS???? If you missed that post, look back in the November archive and it is labeled “Bamboo Worms”. Anyway, the guys knew those worms totally freaked me out, so this weekend they took some special pictures of themselves buying and actually EATING a raw worm! Thanks Shad for sacrificing your pride and posing with a worm in your mouth for all of us to enjoy!
Blessings Everyone!
~Vanessa for all of us at Spirit Liberia