For many of you who follow this blog, you have seen the hand of God at work on a regular basis with our ministry. Lives have been touched, futures changed, and hearts restored.
Had it not been for the support of many of you reading this blog, our ministry would have never been able to continue functioning. As you can imagine this year has proven to be difficult. Fund-raising across America is at an all-time low. People are struggling and in turn ministries are struggling to continue to function and accomplish their goals.
We praise God that we have not been drastically affected. We have, in fact, been continuing to function strong and have continued to see blessing after blessing.
I am writing this today to you to ask for your prayers and financial support for a very important project. Spirit Liberia has an immediate need for electricity at our facility in Monrovia! As you can imagine life in Liberia is difficult. But add to that difficulty living with limited to no electricity and you can imagine how much more stress, anxiety, and struggle it puts on life.
Our facilities are used for our main offices, meetings and pastoral care, community projects, and also living quarters for our family. We have been trying to function with a 5.5kw generator. For those of you who know anything about generators (which did not include me until recently!!!) this is way, way, way too small. It cannot manage the electrical current needed to run a missions compound.
To give you an idea of what we are up against, here are some of our realities of electricity right now:
- We only use electricity for a few hours in the morning and evening when getting ready for the day and ready for bed in the evening once it gets dark.
- We cannot run more than one air-conditioner in the master bedroom. This means that most days we spend in the heat of Liberia with little to no relief (believe me when I say that part of being effective in ministry is having the few hours in the evening of air-conditioning!)
- We cannot run the air-conditioner and a hair-dryer, coffee pot, or iron.
- The generator currently breaks at least twice a week. When it is down there is NO electricity until it is fixed.
- We also cannot pump water to our cisterns when it is broke, which means we get to pull water in buckets by hand and take them to the house.
- We do not have communication with our internet when it is down.
- There is no refrigeration when the generator is not working.
- There is no light and by agreement with our landlord we are not to use candles in the house – spend a day or two in Liberia and realize when it is dark it is a different darkness than we experience in most of America!
These are just a few of the realities of not having a large enough generator.
So here is the good news! A church in Phoenix has donated $5,000 towards us getting a 15kw generator. We need to raise an additional $4,000 minimum to get this purchased and installed. Once installed we will be able to have more consistent electricity and we will also be able to run it more often, truly aiding in making us more effective for ministry and aid in Liberia!
Please donate today online by clicking here or send donations via mail to:
Spirit Liberia, Inc.
2219 W. Melinda Lane, Suite B
Phoenix, AZ 85027
Thank you for your support and prayers!