
Monthly Partner Program Announced

We had an exciting week last week. We finalized our monthly partners program and were able to send our first letter out to all of our current donors as well as quite a few others who have expressed interest in Spirit Liberia. A sample is shown above. For anyone that did not get a copy of the letter that would like one sent to them please e-mail us at bogdans@spiritliberia.org and we will get one out to you.

We ask all of you to prayerfully consider becoming a monthly donor. All of the project and daily tasks do not come without a price. For only $30 a month, you can be a part of revitalizing the Liberian church through church planting, fresh water well projects, agriculture and sustainability projects, and much more. Be a part of what is happening!
We are so excited about the future and know that God's hand is truly going before us. We have had some wonderful meetings with organizations as well as individuals in the past month and have several others scheduled that are really showing people are interesting in coming beside Spirit Liberia and helping the needy people in Liberia. Please consider becoming a partner and spread the word to others.

Anyone interested in getting information to pass out at your church or to other family and friends please let us know. We will be happy to put together some packets for you to display or hand out.

And for those of you who have missed it somehow, our CD will be in hand next week!!! THIS KIND GOD, Worship Sounds of Liberia, is going to be such a blessing to all of you. Be sure to get your copy!

1 comment:

Donna Barber said...

Great brochure- cant wait to get mine. And a cd too!! :0)