My name is Shad T. Flomo. I was born into a family that pretended to know God, but realistically they did not believe in the words of God. That is, they went to church on Sundays but failed to do what the Bible says. Although they listened to the Word of God, they allowed their children including me to become part of a brutal and satanic society called PORO AND SANDE SOCIETY. Brutal in a sense that it involves the spilling of blood. I in particular was at the age of 5 years when they made me join such society which by all indication meant that I have been sold to the DEVIL. I spend most of my time growing up with my grandmother. Even though, she was part of such society and encourages it, she also was and still is a devoted church goer. So through her commitment of going to church, I was also encouraged by her to start going to church. While staying with her, I started attending sunday school up to the eruption of our civil crisis in 1989. When the war reached Monrovia in 1990, we started a long journey through the masses of Charles Taylor rebels. During this period, I saw people being beheaded and shot dead for the first time in my life. I was only 11 years then. Having seen most of my friends become child soldiers, I was tempted to also become part of such - but a special grace of God was upon me which kept me away from them. By the year 1994, I started to live with my mom actively. By this time, my relationship with God grew from bad to worse. Though my mother knew the truth about God, she did not go to church at all. She was compelled to sell at the market on both Saturdays and Sundays. During this period, we lived in one of the most notorious communities in the Redlight area known as SUGAR HILL. Survival in such community meant that one had to also become a beast (ONE OF THEM). Between 1994-1998 I had a tough time as a child growing up with my mother. At times she treated me as if she wasn't the woman that bore me. She did not take me out neither did she shower me with gifts or show me motherly love even though I was hard working and did excellent in my studies. By 1998, I have grown into a bad boy in the eyes of my mother. I had a girl friend (FORNICATING) and I also took provision at times from our home to her because her family was poorer than ours. When my mother found out that I had a girl friend, she threw me out of the house. By this time, I was in the 11th Grade at the "Rock International Christian Academy". Because I knew how to sell, I sold bread on the streets of Monrovia to survive and completed my final high school lessons. When I left my mother's house, I sought refuge at my uncle's house and it was like running from the hot water and jumping into a burned oil. At my uncle's house I shared a room with my other smaller uncles who had the habit of gambling every night and I soon became a part of such habit. This habit plagued me for about 3 years ( 2000-2003). I became what is known as a PROBLEM GAMBLER ( That is, when ever I had money my first thought would be to gamble). I thought high school education at this point was sufficient. In fact, relation between me and my mom grew worse then before. One good thing about this period is that I was always bothered by the HOLY SPIRIT which continually reminded me about my wrong doings. In July of 2003, I left gambling through the help and advice of some elders and friends of mine that I decided to share my gambling life and experience with and by the grace of God, I was able to quit gambling. I have not only left gambling for the past 5 and the half years but also I have developed a hatred for it. However, when I left gambling I was not saved yet. I hardly went to church. It was in early 2007 that I felt the burden of serving Jesus Christ and then started attending church services regularly. This time I knew why I had to go to church and that is to become a new man in Christ. 3 months later, I accepted the Lord Jesus as my personal Savior and became baptized. Brethren, the Christian journey has not been an easy one. After I got saved, I became a prime target for the devil. I lost every thing that I had. I have had 2 accidents in a one year period, one of them resulting into the death of an elderly man. But all these things did not stop me from serving God. In fact, they strengthened me. I want to bless and thank God so much for being on my side while I went through the wilderness and I also thank God for SPIRIT LIBERIA which has been a great blessing from God to the Liberian people. I also want to thank God for all of my Brethren in Christ who stood by me during the times of difficulties. Today I am a new man and an overcomer of trials and temptations. I am married to a beautiful wife (Gayduo) and 2 kids ( Youngor and Samuel). May God continue to grant us His special grace we need in our christian endeavors because, it is only by His grace that we are saved.
Salvation Testimony from Shad Flumo
This is Shad Flumo. He is a Field Coordinator for Spirit Liberia. He is pictured here handing out John and Romans booklets in the Bonewen prison.
Shad is a real blessing to us as a family and also as an employee of Spirit Liberia. We have all of our staff write out their salvation testimony for us to give us a better understanding of where they came from and where they are today. When I asked Shad for his permission to share his testimony publicly here, he answered with an enthusiastic "YES!" Shad was eager to see God use his testimony to minister to anyone who would listen. Here is the testimony of Shad T. Flumo, Field Coordinator, Spirit Liberia
My name is Shad T. Flomo. I was born into a family that pretended to know God, but realistically they did not believe in the words of God. That is, they went to church on Sundays but failed to do what the Bible says. Although they listened to the Word of God, they allowed their children including me to become part of a brutal and satanic society called PORO AND SANDE SOCIETY. Brutal in a sense that it involves the spilling of blood. I in particular was at the age of 5 years when they made me join such society which by all indication meant that I have been sold to the DEVIL. I spend most of my time growing up with my grandmother. Even though, she was part of such society and encourages it, she also was and still is a devoted church goer. So through her commitment of going to church, I was also encouraged by her to start going to church. While staying with her, I started attending sunday school up to the eruption of our civil crisis in 1989. When the war reached Monrovia in 1990, we started a long journey through the masses of Charles Taylor rebels. During this period, I saw people being beheaded and shot dead for the first time in my life. I was only 11 years then. Having seen most of my friends become child soldiers, I was tempted to also become part of such - but a special grace of God was upon me which kept me away from them. By the year 1994, I started to live with my mom actively. By this time, my relationship with God grew from bad to worse. Though my mother knew the truth about God, she did not go to church at all. She was compelled to sell at the market on both Saturdays and Sundays. During this period, we lived in one of the most notorious communities in the Redlight area known as SUGAR HILL. Survival in such community meant that one had to also become a beast (ONE OF THEM). Between 1994-1998 I had a tough time as a child growing up with my mother. At times she treated me as if she wasn't the woman that bore me. She did not take me out neither did she shower me with gifts or show me motherly love even though I was hard working and did excellent in my studies. By 1998, I have grown into a bad boy in the eyes of my mother. I had a girl friend (FORNICATING) and I also took provision at times from our home to her because her family was poorer than ours. When my mother found out that I had a girl friend, she threw me out of the house. By this time, I was in the 11th Grade at the "Rock International Christian Academy". Because I knew how to sell, I sold bread on the streets of Monrovia to survive and completed my final high school lessons. When I left my mother's house, I sought refuge at my uncle's house and it was like running from the hot water and jumping into a burned oil. At my uncle's house I shared a room with my other smaller uncles who had the habit of gambling every night and I soon became a part of such habit. This habit plagued me for about 3 years ( 2000-2003). I became what is known as a PROBLEM GAMBLER ( That is, when ever I had money my first thought would be to gamble). I thought high school education at this point was sufficient. In fact, relation between me and my mom grew worse then before. One good thing about this period is that I was always bothered by the HOLY SPIRIT which continually reminded me about my wrong doings. In July of 2003, I left gambling through the help and advice of some elders and friends of mine that I decided to share my gambling life and experience with and by the grace of God, I was able to quit gambling. I have not only left gambling for the past 5 and the half years but also I have developed a hatred for it. However, when I left gambling I was not saved yet. I hardly went to church. It was in early 2007 that I felt the burden of serving Jesus Christ and then started attending church services regularly. This time I knew why I had to go to church and that is to become a new man in Christ. 3 months later, I accepted the Lord Jesus as my personal Savior and became baptized. Brethren, the Christian journey has not been an easy one. After I got saved, I became a prime target for the devil. I lost every thing that I had. I have had 2 accidents in a one year period, one of them resulting into the death of an elderly man. But all these things did not stop me from serving God. In fact, they strengthened me. I want to bless and thank God so much for being on my side while I went through the wilderness and I also thank God for SPIRIT LIBERIA which has been a great blessing from God to the Liberian people. I also want to thank God for all of my Brethren in Christ who stood by me during the times of difficulties. Today I am a new man and an overcomer of trials and temptations. I am married to a beautiful wife (Gayduo) and 2 kids ( Youngor and Samuel). May God continue to grant us His special grace we need in our christian endeavors because, it is only by His grace that we are saved.
My name is Shad T. Flomo. I was born into a family that pretended to know God, but realistically they did not believe in the words of God. That is, they went to church on Sundays but failed to do what the Bible says. Although they listened to the Word of God, they allowed their children including me to become part of a brutal and satanic society called PORO AND SANDE SOCIETY. Brutal in a sense that it involves the spilling of blood. I in particular was at the age of 5 years when they made me join such society which by all indication meant that I have been sold to the DEVIL. I spend most of my time growing up with my grandmother. Even though, she was part of such society and encourages it, she also was and still is a devoted church goer. So through her commitment of going to church, I was also encouraged by her to start going to church. While staying with her, I started attending sunday school up to the eruption of our civil crisis in 1989. When the war reached Monrovia in 1990, we started a long journey through the masses of Charles Taylor rebels. During this period, I saw people being beheaded and shot dead for the first time in my life. I was only 11 years then. Having seen most of my friends become child soldiers, I was tempted to also become part of such - but a special grace of God was upon me which kept me away from them. By the year 1994, I started to live with my mom actively. By this time, my relationship with God grew from bad to worse. Though my mother knew the truth about God, she did not go to church at all. She was compelled to sell at the market on both Saturdays and Sundays. During this period, we lived in one of the most notorious communities in the Redlight area known as SUGAR HILL. Survival in such community meant that one had to also become a beast (ONE OF THEM). Between 1994-1998 I had a tough time as a child growing up with my mother. At times she treated me as if she wasn't the woman that bore me. She did not take me out neither did she shower me with gifts or show me motherly love even though I was hard working and did excellent in my studies. By 1998, I have grown into a bad boy in the eyes of my mother. I had a girl friend (FORNICATING) and I also took provision at times from our home to her because her family was poorer than ours. When my mother found out that I had a girl friend, she threw me out of the house. By this time, I was in the 11th Grade at the "Rock International Christian Academy". Because I knew how to sell, I sold bread on the streets of Monrovia to survive and completed my final high school lessons. When I left my mother's house, I sought refuge at my uncle's house and it was like running from the hot water and jumping into a burned oil. At my uncle's house I shared a room with my other smaller uncles who had the habit of gambling every night and I soon became a part of such habit. This habit plagued me for about 3 years ( 2000-2003). I became what is known as a PROBLEM GAMBLER ( That is, when ever I had money my first thought would be to gamble). I thought high school education at this point was sufficient. In fact, relation between me and my mom grew worse then before. One good thing about this period is that I was always bothered by the HOLY SPIRIT which continually reminded me about my wrong doings. In July of 2003, I left gambling through the help and advice of some elders and friends of mine that I decided to share my gambling life and experience with and by the grace of God, I was able to quit gambling. I have not only left gambling for the past 5 and the half years but also I have developed a hatred for it. However, when I left gambling I was not saved yet. I hardly went to church. It was in early 2007 that I felt the burden of serving Jesus Christ and then started attending church services regularly. This time I knew why I had to go to church and that is to become a new man in Christ. 3 months later, I accepted the Lord Jesus as my personal Savior and became baptized. Brethren, the Christian journey has not been an easy one. After I got saved, I became a prime target for the devil. I lost every thing that I had. I have had 2 accidents in a one year period, one of them resulting into the death of an elderly man. But all these things did not stop me from serving God. In fact, they strengthened me. I want to bless and thank God so much for being on my side while I went through the wilderness and I also thank God for SPIRIT LIBERIA which has been a great blessing from God to the Liberian people. I also want to thank God for all of my Brethren in Christ who stood by me during the times of difficulties. Today I am a new man and an overcomer of trials and temptations. I am married to a beautiful wife (Gayduo) and 2 kids ( Youngor and Samuel). May God continue to grant us His special grace we need in our christian endeavors because, it is only by His grace that we are saved.
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Thank you Shad for sharing your testimony. I was able to read it to my daughters who were also tortured in Sande and saw horrors of the civil war in Liberia. They are now serving God even though Satan tries often to destroy them. Your testimony helped them to realize that there are other Liberians who are escaping the lies of Satan and living a life filled with Christ. May God continue to protect and bless your family and your work with Spirit Liberia. In the Lord's Strength many will be saved!
Thank you Penny! Praise the Lord! I forwarded your comment to Shad and I know it will bless him.
God Bless,
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