
The Well Is Dry

As most of you who read this blog know, our family settled in Liberia back in August of 2009. We moved into Spirit Liberia's missions house/office and things for the most part have been very good. We recently had a church partner with us with support for a larger generator for the house which will be such a blessing!

I (Greg) am currently in the States. When talking to Vanessa yesterday she informed me that the well at the house has run dry. There is no more water! Thankfully we get our drinking water from a different source, but this means that there is no water running to the house. Cleaning dishes, cooking water, washing clothes, general cleaning...are all now effected by this. It is obviously a major, immediate need.

We need to dig the well at the house deeper. This is going to cost $3,000.00US. I am writing this today asking you to please consider helping. As you can imagine this is a significant hurdle for us to overcome, and we need to do it quickly.

Please pray for us and help us financially in any way you can. To donate, please CLICK HERE and give through Paypal. If you have questions or need to discuss this, please feel free to e-mail me as well (Click Here).

Thank you for your prayers as we try and deal with this difficult situation!

In Christ,

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