
Evangelistic Outreach Peace Island Day 1

We partnered with Kris and Trent and the PICA (Peace Island Church Association) and held an outreach program on 2 evenings in Peace Island. Kris brought a projector, we had a screen, we pulled together some other equipment and the evening was a success! We played some Max Lucado kids movies and also did some singing and preached the gospel message. The crowd grew to about 1500 people, many of them kids! It was awesome and such a beautiful night. I brought Jaden along and he was able to get some first hand experience with the ministry that we are doing here in Liberia. What a blessing!

Setting up! Trent splicing some wires together for light sockets!

Mark and Kris trying to connect the sound equipment and the projector.

More set-up! It was a learning process! In the end we got it accomplished!

Finally working!

These are some of the cute kids that were anticipating the movie!

Singing just before the preaching.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Thanks for sharing this Vanessa! Greg told me about this when I spoke with him about a week ago and I was looking forward to seeing the pictures! How wonderful that so many little ones came to see the movie and were able to hear the Gospel! Praise God!