
Visit with Full Gospel Orphanage, Nimba County

We had such a wonderful time visiting with Pastor Valentine, his wife and all of the kids at the Full Gospel Orphanage! We were able to bring them some used soccer items, play a movie for them with the projector that was provided by Fresh Start Fellowship and we also erected a sign identifying the well and the orphanage. They are such precious people we just wanted to stay with them! Please keep them in your prayers as they have a huge task in caring for the 30+ kids in their care. They have been doing all of this without outside help. The government here is beginning to develop some strict guidelines for orphanages and they are finding it difficult to meet some of the new requirements. I looked over the process and it does seem to be extremely difficult to fulfill these new policies. Please pray that God would open the doors for them to continue this special work and meet all of their needs.

While we were visiting with them we were able to get profiles and pictures to help with the Christmas program we are doing for them. We are looking to have each child in the orphanage sponsored ( for $30 to buy them shoes, clothes and some fun things) by Christmas. We will be taking another trip out there in December to deliver the gifts and also to aid with teacing for the church's yearly convention! We are so excited :-)

Picture time!!!!!
This is a semi-group photo of the kids :-) There were some that were not in the picture.

Movie Time! We played a Max Lucado film for the kids......the Hermie and Wormie series which teach great character values through biblical principle.Me and my boy! This is Darcy and he is my special little guy out in Nimba county. He lives at the orphanage. This is him all dressed up in one of the soccer outfits we brought. I think we gave about 25 uniforms and 10 pairs of cleats, socks, shin guards and 6 balls. They loved them!

Pastor Valentine holding Matty.

A group picture of all of us with Pastor Valentine and his wife in front of the new sign that we brought. You can see that Matty was NOT happy!

Left to right: Pastor Valentine, Mrs. Valentine, Shad, Vanessa, Pastor Richards holding Matty, Bestman and Mark in front.

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