
Amazing Grace!

Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me

I once was lost, but now am found

Was blind but now I see!

John Newton (1725-1807)

As the prison ministry of Spirit Liberia has been growing and developing, we have felt the Lord speaking to us that we would see prisoners come to Christ and pick up the torch by in turn teaching their fellow inmates. As we packed the shipping container, we discussed the process of giving full bibles to the inmates that were saved and progressing in their faith. God has already begun the process and we can't begin to put into words the incredible blessing that this mighty work of God is growing in our hearts.

We receive regular ministry reports and updates from our Ministries Coordinator, Bestman Todawiah. Please read below and be blessed by what the Lord has done in the heart of one particular prisoner.

Kakata Central Prison- April 20, 2009

Kakata Central Prison at the time of our visit had 79 convicted and non-convicted inmates. Regular counseling and preaching was done at this prison. One of the inmates Albert Mulbah, 25, convicted for raping a 12 years old wept bitterly while the message of “Christ is coming soon with rewards” was being preached. He finally give his life to Christ Jesus and a copy of the King James Bible was given to him. At present we are working with him through counseling and Bible drill. Through the power of the holy spirit he is showing fruits of repentance and the love of God. Bath soap and tracts were distributed to the inmates.

Kakata Central Prison May 15, 2009– prison ministry at Kakata was very wonderful. Lives were touched through the power of the Holy Spirit. One of the inmates who give his life to Christ during our prison ministry sometime ago, ( Albert Mulbah) is now conducting devotions and Bible studies with his fellow inmates. Praise God almighty for this revival! More testimonies espected from Kakata prison. Furthermore, considering the needs of the inmates about 79 persons were able to purchase some locally made food call farina and few T.Shirts for the most needed. Unfortunately, those items were not even enough for the most needed.
~Bestman Todawiah

This is Brother Bestman giving the bible to Albert.

Receiving these testimonies of what the Lord is doing in Liberia has truly broken our hearts and brought us to tears many times. We are so eager to get over there and take part in the hands on aspect of the ministry! We are so thankful to God for opening hearts and doors for this ministry in the prisons. Many thanks also go to all of you who are faithful in support of this work. Without your obedience to God leading you in support, this vital ministry would not be progressing.

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