

Actually, there have been 2 deliveries!!!!
After a long wait, the newest Bogdan has finally arrived....two days overdue!

This is Mathias Vision Bogdan!

He was born on Tuesday, June 23 weighing 8 pounds 5 oz. and 22 inches long. Mom and baby are doing well and everyone is happy that baby Mattie is finally here for them to hold and play with!

Second delivery.... (which was actually delivered first!)

The container was finally released from port and delivered at the house on Saturday! Thank you so much everyone for your prayer and support throughout this process. We have learned a lot through this and hope that next time will be much easier :-) Everyone is happy and ready to move on to other things. God Bless!


Pennysue said...

Praise the Lord for both deliveries. What a beautiful healthy looking child...truly a blessing from God. The guys look thrilled to finally have the container. We are rejoicing with you all!

Diane said...

Awwww, Mattie is precious and oh my goodness, that picture of Libby kissing your belly is priceless! Thank you so much for letting me spend some time visiting after the birth.

We are so thankful that your container arrived safe and sound.

Love you guys,


Jeremy and Kamina Johnson said...

YEAH!!! I am sooooo excited for you! What a blessing. I got chills when I saw the pictures of the container. I understand what a blessing and MIRACLE it is to have a container delivered safely.